Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Imperfection Everlasting – Day 26

Tweetchats have been a unique and welcome addition to my life over the past five months. 

Cancer started it. The real time, if faceless, link with other breast cancer patients on #bcsm (breast cancer social media) felt like a lifeline in those initial months after diagnosis. Quickly I discovered the broader #hcsm (health care social media), the #DWDchat (death with dignity) and #lcsm (lung cancer social media) communities.  Through interactions on these one hour, fast and furious chat sessions, I have met some amazing people and have learned copious amounts on the relevant topics.

Chat topics vary widely depending on the community, the moderator and the audience that participates on any given day. But the mix of passion and knowledge is pure perfection and every week, I look forward to participating in the conversations.

I missed two of my favorite chats today.

On Tuesday evenings, both #tweetdiarieschat and #HCLDR unite a devoted and educated mix of health care providers, patient advocates, caregivers and patients.

Instead of joining tonight’s chats, my family, including my visiting mother, sat around the table and told humorous stories until both of my children asked about the ‘dating days’ before my husband and I were a couple. They’ve heard a few stories before but my mother lent a unique perspective.

The five of us spent two hours gathered around the dinner table and, as the conversation continued, I noticed my husband and I moved our chairs closer together. Our children laughed at some of the ‘bad date’ stories and then they asked questions about dating rules and choosing a life mate. My husband and I joined hands as we talked.

My son smiled and said, “And then you met Dad, and he was perfect.”

Complete silence.

“Riley,” I began tentatively, “If you wait for someone who is ‘perfect’ you will grow old alone. No one is perfect. Daddy was good for me. And I was good for him. Neither one of us is perfect.”

Today I am profoundly grateful that nearly 19 years ago I met the man I now call my husband. Together we epitomize the beauty of imperfection.

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